Thong Conversion

I like to wear thongs because they are nice and cool and spongy (I get sore heels if I don’t have comfy shoes), but I don’t like the bit that goes between your toes – if it’s thick like in most thongs it irritates my toes and gives me blisters if I wear them for too long.   So on Pintrest I saw some thong conversions which I thought might be a great idea to help the  toe  issue I have.

So I bought some $2 thongs, and used some ribbon and buttons I already had… and voila!


It also makes them more like sandals so you don’t have to grip them with your toes to keep them on, so are actually better for your feet.

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End of Year Party

(at my suggestion :D) We had a bit of a dress up night for our final bellydance class of the year.  Because Charni had been away – she left it up to me to organise.  So I brought all my sarongs and things to decorate the place, everyone dressed up and brought some food to share – it was a great evening!

It gave me a chance to get dressed up in a more caberet style (normally I’m all dressed up Tribal).  I found a lovely pink/purple dress in an op shop, and I cut it up to make a “laplap” type skirt and a little vest.  Worn with my purple 25 yard skirt and a bra & belt set I’ve had for about 15 years (made from a beaded door curtain lol)


The food I brought was a selection of Middle Eastern cordials (Rose Sharbat, Sharab Ward, Minted Lemonaid, Turkish apple iced tea) and some Lebanese Meatballs


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