When your bins go out more than you do….

So obviously we’re all  staying home due to the plague  sworn an oath of solitude until the pestilence is purged from the land! … which is fine – I’m a social recluse gamer type…. staying in my house doing nothing, and avoiding social contact where at all possible, is something I excel in! – I’ve been practicing for this my whole life 😛

But a friend on facebook introduced me to a group (Bin Isolation Outings) where insane people like me, get dressed up in weird stuff (or sometimes fancy stuff) to take the bins out (and bring them in)…. just to entertain themselves and others.

Well obviously, as cosplayers and generally weirdos – we had to do it!

Week 1, MiniObsi and I decided we’d do Star Wars…..

Twi’lek Jedi

Finally had another chance to get out the Lekku

We (Rebel Legion) trooped at the Lynbrook lantern festival – which was fun – Sabers looked great in the dark! We had a heap of kids lining up to get photos with us.

It’s so lovely to see them so excited to have photos with us or be lucky enough to hold one of our sabers Especially the ones who are too shy to come over, but once you offer them the saber their faces light up (literally and figuratively lol)

2017 Yearly Catch Up

Haven’t blogged in ages, so here’s a yearly catch up in the one post 🙂

Bought a new car, and as per our agreement, in the last week before we got rid of the old car – I was allowed to put car eyelashes on it 😀
(Hubs had refused to let me put them on the car 😛 )

Mini had their very first ever haircut!

Keeping a “Padawan braid”  😀


Mini & dressed up for a unicorn day at Dandenong Market

Mini rocked it for Diversity week at school

MrObsi and I went on a Goblin Ball River Cruise

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Come to the Dark Side – We have Chocolate Eggs!

We’re not really big on celebrating easter, and we’ve never done the easter bunny, but we do normally do a hunt.  When Mini got old enough, we started doing clue based hunts instead of just hunting for eggs.  This year MrObsi Eggcelled himself with an eggstra special and most eggcellent easter egg hunt eggver! 😉

I wondered why he kicked me out of the lounge room for a a while – I thought it was because he was hiding stuff in the lounge.  But no, he had other plans!

It started with MiniObsi being handed (my) Stormtrooper Pez.  Inside was a message!

“Imperial spies have gathered intelligence about where various rebels are hiding.  We must find them before they make contact with their command centre.”

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Rebel Legion

The Rebel Legion is basically a costume group that does charity work.  Who dress up in screen accurate Star Wars costumes (for the good guys only), and normally it’s done at events where they help raise money for charity.   We’d seen the Rebel Legion stand at PAX and OzComic Con, and were keen to join – as I love Star Wars, I love cosplay and if it’s also helping charity then that’s a bonus!

But it took us a while to source the right fabrics and gear for our costumes.  Finances were a bit tight, and we needed to buy belts, boots, food capsules, pouches as well as the fabrics to make our outfits.  Finally though we got our costumes made and we’re now members – woo!


I made the lightsaber from a torch – It’s a temporary one until I can justify the expense of buying another saber, as my ultrasabers one has a blade that is too short, and with the cost of shipping I may as well buy a whole new saber that will look better, than just buy a new blade)


Our first troop was for a KidsFlix, where we (plus a bunch of Disney princesses and other cosplayers) entertained kids waiting to go into the movies 🙂


I was wearing a wig because my hair desperately needed redying!

Star Wars Birthday!

I decided to throw myself a Star Wars themed birthday party…. a bit of a spur of the moment thing, and there were just the 3 of us , so it’s not terribly grand, but it made me smile 😀


(yes, there are peas in the penne alla arrabbiata!)

I used my milennium falcon cookie cutter to cut the pizza dough for the pizzas (but you lose the shape on they are cooked).  I actually detest rockmelon (I call it “stinkymelon” because the smell makes me feel sick).  But it was perfect for making a Death Star, so I had to have it!

My “cake” was the chocolate Millenium Falcon – it’s “Obsi Road”!  (A friend says I can’t call it rocky road because it doesn’t have nuts in it and that’s not right :P) Basically I put some chocolate into the mold, then I mix marshmallows, ricebubbles, a bit of butter or coconut oil and cardamon seeds together with the remaining chocolate and pour that in.  Makes an AWESOME rocky road thing.  The rice bubbles give it a bit of crunch (hubby doesn’t eat nuts), and I love the pop of cardamon you get when you find a seed.


My Star Wars shelf is coming along nicely :)


And that’s not including my Han Solo in carbonite or Millennium Falcon icecube molds which are in the kitchen.  And one book is in the car… and a couple of things you can’t see, like my LEGO Hoth board game, and my 4 pairs of Lightsaber chopsticks.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) I stated collecting a series of books (the last 6 on the top shelf), because someone gave me 2 of them for my birthday – and started reading the first one, but realised I was missing out on a lot of important details from previous novels.  So I’ve had to stop reading and start buying preceding ones to catch up on the storyline.

It had never really been a problem with the other novels I’d read – I’ve bounced around with them quite a bit.  But that series definitely needed to have the preceding stuff read before them (a key character died and I don’t know how!).  So now I’ve got about 10 more books to get before I can continue to read those ones.  Ohh what a shame 😉

Star Wars Day

May the 4th is apparently Star Wars day…  see… “may the fourth be with you” – clever hey 😀

Well,it just so happened that my long lusted over Star Wars cookie cutters (that I’d been wanting for such a long time, but the online store that sells them doesn’t ship Internationally, and the friend I asked to get them procrastinated and ended up never buying them, so had to ask a few other people who said yes, but then never did, until finally one did and I got them!)… came a few weeks ago…

… and on May 4th I finally got around to making MiniObsi a Star Wars bento-ish lunch using them. (painted food colouring onto the cookie cutter details and stamped it into the bread).  Not particularly stunning, but she thought it was grand.

(I was going to make bread legs for R2, but I was in a hurry and couldn’t be arsed, so they are painted on [reminds me of that thing mothers say when you’re being lazy “are your legs painted on” heh])

Now… the interesting thing is… I had no idea it was Star Wars day when I made that!… (not sure how I missed that, living under a rock evidently!) until I got on facebook after dropping MiniObsi off at school, and seeing people talking about it.  MASSIVE COINCIDENCE!

See.. the Force really was with me!  Hahahaha  But then now knowing it was Star Wars day, I figured I had to tie [no pun intended] dinner in with the theme too… so I used the cookie cutters again, to make stamped detail on the top of pie lids!

Star Wars pies, for the win!

I cleaned my desk

…See…. this is momentous if you’ve seen the “before” (though taken a while ago…  it’s an accurate portrayal of how messy my desk gets)….


yes… it’s disgraceful… but I make no secret – I’m a slob.

…it’s like someone has vomited papers and mess, all over my desk…

So… since I’ve been getting SHOCKING hayfever of late, I decided some dusting might be in order (yes, start the mum-esque lectures about dust)…  so… I also took the opportunity to clean off some of the crap from my desk, and pretty things up a bit…

This is the result…


I decided to stand my purple lightsaber up, so it wasn’t blocking everything behind it, then I decided to collect all my Star Wars things in the one spot (except the 11 Star Wars games I have, one book that’s in the car and another I realised I forgot to relocate from the bookshelf).. ohh and I’ve “misplaced” the C-3PO that MiniObsi made me that goes with the toilet roll&peg R2 that she made (which is behind Leia, and you probably can’t see it, since I had to take the photo on an angle to get my LEGO minifigs in shot)

(the bottle of stuff isn’t Star Warsy… it’s some weird looking basil seed drink from an Asian grocery store that looked too freaky, I had to buy it… but it looks alien enough it’s allowed to stay on the shelf… I’ll say it’s a bacta tank sediment storage unit or something :D)


and here’s MrObsi and I having a quick duel for a photo with the Ultrasabers lightsabers (it’s Xmas morning, and I also got him a top hat, so excuse the weirdness)

LEGO + Starwars = very cool!

I never had LEGO as a kid  *sniff*  … I know…. terrible!!!  I desperately wanted a LEGO horse.. and some cool LEGO wheels to make a car… and those LEGO doors and balcony railings… and cute flowers… and weird trees……..  I LOVE LEGO!

but I had to be content with playing with other people’s LEGO 😦  When I was like 24 or something,  decided that I was not too old for LEGO, and I bought myself a LEGO horse (it was part of a set of a few things, I think I threw the rest away LOL), and a witch.  Just because I could.  When I found out  hubby (then not hubby) had a set of castle LEGO…. I made him get it out so I could play with it 🙂

A few years later…. they bring out LEGO Starwars PC game!  *squee*  Combining starwars (which I love) with computer games (which I love) and LEGO (which I love)!!  How could you not love that!!  Then I got the second lego starwars game – and since I loved them so much, I had to get the wii version because that had a few extra levels 🙂

I’ve got 10 Starwars related pc/wii games….so I’m also just a bit of a starwars fan too 🙂

Speaking of…. Imagine my surprise when I’m walking up to the registers at target and I see a stand of pretendy lightsabers… and there is 1  ONLY 1 purple one!  (and only $25 too)… so of course I had to buy that!


Anyway…. the reason for all this….last week we went to the Starwars exhibition thing at scienceworks… where they had some of the movie props and costumes on display…. and in their giftshop they had some LEGO sets.  I think I was vaguely aware that they had made LEGO starwars pieces (it seems obvious given the game and the chance to make a few million bucks)… but when I saw a LEGO R2D2   OMG!  CUTE!!!!

So, I had a peek on ebay….  there are heaps of LEGO pieces !!!  So I decided I needed them…. preferably all of them, but in particular some of the cooler ones.  So I bought a few…..


I’m going to renovate the display rack, but I have…. 6 Stormtroopers and a Clone trooper (the clone is the one on the top right, his helmet is slightly different) – 2 of them have guns… Darth Vader of course (he even has a scarred grey head!)  Mace Windu of course.  Not that I’m a fan of the actual character, but he’s the only one with a purple lightsaber and thus is the coolest 😀  Bobba fett … I’ve always liked him, not sure why, though having a rocket pack is of course extremely cool.

In the LEGO games I prefer Jango – for obvious reasons (he’s purple)…. I don’t think I’ll ever get a Jango for my collection – a quick look on ebay brings heart-attack rending results ($60-$115 for a LEGO man – I don’t think so).  R2 of course…. and a Slave Leia.  I actually have 3 of these, one with the chain, 2 without.  I bought one, then saw an auction for quite cheap so I figured I’d get that for MiniObsi, since I imagined I’d get hassled for my LEGO and I don’t like to share…. and then I don’t know why I got another…. an accident…  and Chewy!  (he’s so cute)

Plus I saw a pack of extra lightsabers, so  had to get those because there is a purple one in it 🙂

My collection has grown some more… so now I have a page dedicated to it – read more on this obsession here: https://obsigarden.wordpress.com/lego-starwars